Silsala Aliya is one chain of the most popular chain of mysticism of Ahle Sunnit and its followers are called Naqshbandi and majority of the people related with this chain/silsala-e-Aliya is found in whole Islamic countries. The relations of this Silsala Aliya dedicated with Qutab-ul- Aulia Sheikhul Mashaikh Shabaz-e-mysticism Sultanul Arifeen, supporter of Sunnat, dismemberment of unconventionality/originality Khawaja Muhammad Bahauddin Naqshband Rehmatullah Allaih (died on 791Hijri).
Before the different ear from him Rehmatullah Alliah this has been dedicated/ attributed with different names. From Ameerul Momineen Syedina Siddiq Akbar Razi Allah Anhu to Sheikhe Tafoor ibn Essa and Hazrat Bayazeed Bastami this silsala has been called Siddiqia and from Sheikh Tafoor ibn Essa Rehmatullah Alliah to Khawaja Abdul Khaliq Gajdwani Rehmatullah Alliah, this chain has been called silsila-e- Tafooria and then called silsala-e- Khawajgania from Shiekhul Mashiakh Khawaja Abdul Khaliq Khawaja Gajdawani Rehmatullah Allaih to Khawaja Muhammad Bahauddin Naqshband Owasi Rehmatullah Alliah and then this chain / silsala become famous as Khawaja Muhammad Bahauddin Naqshband Bukhari Rehmatullah Alliah. Imam Rabbani Mujadad Alf Sani Rehmatullah Allaih written in letters that “ this relation is with Hazrat Khawaja Abdul Khaliq Gajdawani Quds Sarah and Khawaja Khawajgan Hazrat Khawaja Bahauddin NaqshbandQuds Sarah has completed this relation. (First Office, Letter No.6)
When Khawaja Bahu-ud-Din Naqshbandi saw and heard the Taliban’s position in Sofia’s method that somebody has abandoned sleeping from so many years, somebody has adopted awaking in night and fasting in day, somebody has fixed to read and finish to times Holy Quran. Somebody has stop to spread the legs, if somebody due sickness and elderly aged person not perform the teaching of the Saint’s people and time has passed in negligence, then from the first day spirit has developed in the heart of Hazrat Khawaja Bahauddin Naqshband Rehmatullah Allaih said before the Almighty Allah in prostrate. The organs of the Ummah become weak and now strength and courage in them have no endurance. The era for good and blessings is removed from them. Kindly award me such method from your blessing which is easy and which is able to reach you soon, he remains weeping in prostrate for a period of fifteen days. Only came out from the Hujra for the performance of prayers and for essential needs. After 15 days blessing and kindness become excited and has inspirited that Oh Muhammad Bahauddin! WE had award you such method which has been awarded to the companions of our Habib (Pease Be Upon Him)., means comprehension/ discernment and obedience of Sunnat-e-Nabvi (Pease Be Upon Him). and he paid thanks to Almighty Allah and lift his head from prostrate and traditionally conformed this modernity and with the blessing of Almighty Allah, this method has made such progress that billion of people are in this auspicious chain and due to acceptance, spread throughout the world like the light of sun. The Khulfa-e-Talaban Silsala Naqshbandia are in majority each and every country of world, when people asked from him that what is benefit of your modern Silsala /chain, then Khawaja Naqshbandi said that all methods are auspicious and are Noor Ala Noor, all are reached to Almighty Allah but such methods which has been awarded to me by the Almighty Allah. It is very easy and human reaches to Almighty Allah very soon.
Hazrat Shah Wali Ullah Mohadis Delhvi Rehmatullah Allaih has said regarding the benefitted Mashaikh from Silsala Aliya Naqshbandia.
The summary of saying of Shah Wali Ullah Sahib that
“Naqshbandihas surprising uses to astonishing the sense/knowledge, by make intention on any desire with courage then you will able to do so, the way you want and the use of demanding heart and relieve the patient’s disease and repentance of the sinner, only occurs with his courage means intention. Should be aware with the relation of Alhe Allah (Cardiac relation with Spiritual Chain of Aliya). They are alive or related with died person in graves and cardiac harms of the people and such beating in their hearts, aware on it and disclose the events of future and to remove the distress, in addition to this there are so many uses.”
Imam Rabbani Mujadad Alf Sani Rehmatullah has written in letter that “ the Mashaikh Quds Saraham of method of Naqshbandia has adopted the visit from the beginning of the world against the other chains of Mashaikh and scholars of the world also cross the same visit, this method of Naqshbandia is nearest to all other methods, this is the reason that the limits of others has mentioned in their beginning. The method of these saints is the method of Companion of Prophet (Pease Be Upon Him) because such thing was achieved to mentioned in beginning of method at the extreme companionship of Hazrat Muhammad (Pease Be Upon Him)., which is difficult to achieve by the competent saints of the Ummah.” ( Letters of Imam-e-Rabbani, First Office, Letter 58)
The means of development of Salook in Silsala Aliya Naqshbandia :
Sheikhul Mashiakh Shah Bahauddin Nakshband Rehmatullah Alliah says
That we reached at our goal with the blessing of Almighty Allah and there is no deprivation for those who belongs with this Silsala Aliya.
The Mashiakh of Silsala Aliya Naqshbandia has not placed the foundation on fasting and devotion, great efforts and solitary but declared obedience of Sunnah is essential for the development of Salook. Shah Bahauddin Naqshband Rehmatullah Alliah says , “our method is strong bracelet that holds the Noori Power with the five fingers according to the obedience of Prophet Muhammad (Pease Be Upon Him) and make practices of the companions of Holy Prophet (Pease Be Upon Him), in our method, there is a lot of victories and attractions.”