Hazrat Muhammad Arif Sultan Azam (R.A)


He born in house of  Hazoor Ghousus Zaman Mujadid Tariqat Zabdah Al-wasleen, Mehboob-e-Illahi Khawaja Khawajgan Hazoor Alhajj Khawaja Pir Muhammad  Azam  Nakshbani Qadri known as Sarkar Wali-e- Salakabad Sharif Rehmatullah Ailah, the valley of   Maskan Auliya, Salakabad Sharif on Friday the 1st January, 1965 according to 27 Shabanul Muazzam, in most blessing times, after the birth Aqiqa has performed on 7th day according to Shariat and the name Muhammad Arif Azam is given to him.


He is very intelligent since childhood, due to this, from the beginning the kindness and special attention of Hazoor Alhajj Khawaja Pir Muhammad  Azam  Nakshbani Qadri known as Sarkar Wali-e- Salakabad Sharif Rehmatullah Ailah at him and Hazoor has paid special attention on your education and training. He has learnt the apparent literatures/ sciences from Hazoor Alhajj Khawaja Pir Muhammad  Azam  Nakshbani Qadri known as Sarkar Wali-e- Salakabad Sharif Rehmatullah Ailah,  in addition to this He also benefitted from other famous educational centres.


Hazoor Alhajj Khawaja Pir Muhammad  Azam  Nakshbani Qadri known as Sarkar Wali-e- Salakabad Sharif Rehmatullah Ailah,  who was the Ghous of time and Almighty Allah made him famous and popular in the era. There were discussion of you large status among the Greatest Saints.  You have selected Arif-e-Kamil Ameen-e-Nisbat-e Rasooli, Willayat Khushbo Chamistan-e –Risalat Alam Rabbani Sultan ul Faqra Abu Al-Maskeen Hazoor Alhajj Murshad Sani Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-aliya Sajada Nasheen Darbar Azimia Rahimia Salakabad Sharif for the spiritual training of Hazoor Pir Sultan Sahib.

Hazoor Alhajj Khawaja Pir Muhammad  Azam  Nakshbani Qadri known as Sarkar Wali-e- Salakabad Sharif Rehmatullah Ailah specially gives the hand of Hazrat Pir Sultan Sahib in the hands of Hazoor Murshad Snai Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-Qudsia had instructed for special kindness and training.

Sultanul Faqra Abu Al-Maskeen Hazoor Alhajj Murshad Sani Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-Aliya has welcome the order of Hazoor Sarkar Wali-e-Salakabad Sharif has paid special attention for the spiritual training of Janab Pir Sultan Sahib and fealty him on his hand.

The such trusts (Amanats) of the four chains,  on behalf of the chain by chain of Mashaikh reached to the chest of Murshad Kareem Sultanul Faqra Abu Al-Maskeen Hazoor Alhajj Hazoor Alhajj Murshad Sani Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-Aliya, these Hazoor Qibla Alam  has been lightened in his chest and at last the such large amanat (trust) which has achieved with the Willayat of Nabi (Prophet) and it is the specialty of Nakshbandia chain and awarded to the Nakshbandies, which is called Amanat Nisbat-e-Rasooli and this naimat Azeem Amanat Nisbat-e-Rasooli has been awarded to Sultanul Faqra Abu Al-Masakeen Hazoor Alhajj Murshad Sani Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-Aliya on behlf of Hazoor Ghousus Zaman Mehboob-e-Illahi Wali-e-Salakabad Sharif Rehmatullah Ailah and by the blessing of Almighty Allah that special amanat (trust) has also been kept in the chest of Hazrat Pir Sultan Sahib by the Hazoor Sultanul Faqra Abu Al-Masakeen Hazoor Alhajj Murshad  Sani Sarkar Barkatahm Al-Aliya and now by the blessing of Almighty Allah he on behalf of Murshad Karim Kamil Ameen Amanat Nisbat Rasooli and  become successor of Sultanul Faqra Abu Al-Masakeen Hazoor Alhajj Murshad Sani Sarkar Damat Barkatham Al-Aliya.


He is good lecturer and niatgo poet, when he taught is preaching commandments  and saying of spiritual guidance then scholars and Ahle Alim, become astonishing by listening the arifana points and praise it, he is also a great poet and use the Takhlus Sultan. When the read out the praising verses , then listeners by listening your Arifana Kalam looks like sink in a strange condition and big poets looks below in front of you and you have such proficiency at this art that warms the hearts of listeners till so many hours but it is the desire of the listeners that Hazoor tells more. Almighty Allah has awarded him  (sound) Lahn-e-Dawoodi.


He has extreme humble and sincerity in his nature he is the most friendly personality, such man who meet you first time. He becomes your attractive. He without any discrimination of rich and poor,  keep equal kindness and affection with all, the passenger of righteous path, the salak of seeker of righteous  and all friends of mysticism  those coming to Darbar Sharif pay equal sight on them and consider himself  the servant of Darbar Sharif and Murshad Kareem and often declare such thing that I am also the servant of Darbar Sharif and Sultanul Faqra Abu Al-Masakeen Hazoor Alhajj Murshad Sani Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-Aliya and all of his miracles also dedicated to Sultanul Faqra Abu Al-Masakeen Hazoor Alhajj Murshad Sani Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-Aliya. You have such Kamal in the respect and honour of Murshad Kareem that till day pay such respect to Hazoor Sultanul Faqra Abu Al-Masakeen Hazoor Alhajj Murshad Sani Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-Aliya, which I didn’t seen in any other follower.


By the blessings of Almighty Allah you have performed seven Hajj Sharif and Ten Umrah, You have extreme interest to attend the Harmain Sharifeen. In 2007 his foot has got fractured in accident, due to which you had enough pain, but in spite of such pain he has decided to perform Hajj on the same year an upon such decision all friends were worried, even Hazoor Sultanul Faqra Abu Al-Masakeen Hazoor Alhajj Murshad Sani Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-Aliya was also worried that in this pain how will you performed the Manasik Hajj, but he by insisting went to perform Hajj and such Khadam (servants) those accompanied in this journey, they stated that he has performed  all the Manasik Hajj with full spirit and the feeling of discomfort was not given to the companions at any occasion.

Writer Aajiz Khadim has got many chances for the attendance in the Harmain Sharifeen along with him,  By reaching there, your quality changes, and sink in the love and affection  that himself بیگانگی and verse of praising of Holy Prophet (PBUH) comes out from his  tongue when present in the Bargah of Hazoor Nabi-e-Karim Raufur Raheem Sarwar Kainat, Jan-e- Kainat, Rooh-e- Kainat Muhammad Rasool Allah SAW  then his attendance is worth seeing. The accompanied attendants also suffer from surprising condition. In all the manasik of Ziarat Harmain you remain extreme efficient and never suffer from fatigue (tiredness) Always looks smart, each and every spot of Harmain Sharif you looks ahead. Each and every style, conversation, standing, sitting, walking etc. only and only loving of Rasool (PBUH) is highlighted in each and every style. It is good chance that at such time when Khadim in writing this, you are also present in Madina Munawarah for the attendance of Harmain Sharif and happy in the atmosphere of Madina Munawarah and in the same condition of revel and pleasure when he reach Ghar-e-Sour then during the ziarat of Ghar-e-Sour these extraordinary verses read out.

Batti thy khas Ghar-e- Sour ki Khalwat main jo niamat
Hay us faizan main hisa Mujadid Alf Sani
Mili murda dillu ko zindagi zikr-e-Illahi say
Yae hay wallah karam sara Mujadid Alf Sani ka
Tera darbar hay charo salasil ka hasseen Singham
Baraha hay faiz say Darbar Mujadid Alf Sani ka
Khada kay fazal say sultan ham bhi naskshbandi hain
Hamaray sar per hay saya faqir-e-sani ka


All institutions running under your  direct control and supervision of Darbar Azimia Rahima Salakabad Sharif such as Jamia Azimia Feouz ul Quran, Jamia Aisha Khadijatul Uloom lilbanat Al-Azima, Jamia Azimia Madinatul Uloom, Khawaja Azam Sani Nagar Sharif and Langar (meals) of Ghousia Azimia. These institutions get more promotion under your supervision, due to his day and night struggles, Higher Education Commission has approved the syllabus of Jamia Aisha Khadijatul Uloom Lilbanat Azimia equivalent to M.A. Islamiat. Every year lot of girls completed the Dars-e-Nizami and Annual Examination Centre of Tanzeem Ul Madaris also organized in this institution, which is fruit of your struggles, similarly the syllabus of Jamia Azimia Madinatul Awan Khawaja Azam Sani Nagar Sharif is equivalent  to M.A. Islamiat and M.A. Arabi and M.A. comparing other religions. Every year students are benefitting from this institution. In his supervision these institutions accounts the supreme Educational Centers of Pakistan.

Arif-e-Kamil, Ameen Nisbat-e-Rasooli, Aftab-e-Willayat, Khusbu Chamanistan, Rasalt Alam Rabbani Sultanul Faqra Abu Al-Masakeen Hazoor Alhajj Murshad Sani Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-Qudsia has appointed you as Administrator of all institutions of Darbar Sharif and appointed trustee of Amanats (Deposits) of Silsala (Chain) Aliya.


In the offspring of Hazrat Qibla Pir Sultan Sahib Damat Barkataham Al-Qudsia have four sons and three daughters. Their details are as under :-