Hazrat Khawaja Muhammad Tariq Azam (R.A)


You birth took place on Eid-ul-Fitr First ShawalulMukaram at early in the morning. At the time of birth you face was brighten. Mysterious events has been started to disclosed from the days of suckling, your mother had told when Sani Sarkar was in days of suckling, then under his bed one circle of divine light had been seen up to one year and he don’t take the milk during holy month of Ramzan from fasting to Iftar.


The perfect training of his mother  hasenhanced the beauty of realm  of HazoorQiblaAlam. Since the childhood of HazoorQiblaAlam enjoyed from the praising of Almighty Allah and Prophet (PBUH) and he feel satisfaction from it and instead to mix with other boys of his age, he loves with Zakreen and elder people and enjoy with their debates, mostly Bari Mai Sahiba told in happiness that the friendship of Sani Sahib only with elders. This habit is still existed. Still all of the preaching tours/ journeys mostly friends and servants are elderly aged person.  He has received primary education from HazoorGhous Zaman Mehboob-e-Illahi Sarkar Salakabad Sharif, meanwhile he has completed the apparent literatures / sciences from the different schools beside this he also remain benefitted from the companionship of his competent saint HazoorGhous Zaman Mehboob-e-Illahi, Wali-e- Salakabad Sharif, miracles has been start to disclosed in the little age. Your childhood is perfect in the image of the supreme mastermind, Zahd and Taqwa, the perfect source of Shariah man of generosity and trustee of relativeRasooli complete image of and FaqrMohammadi.


Once in the childhood went to city of Hassan Abdal along with one servant, then two sikkhs saw him and walking behind him, where he go, they also walk behind, if he stopped then they also stopped at some distance, meanwhile servant has noted this thing and scolded them why you are chasing us, then those both sikkhs told instantly that we are watching the lights and apotheosisupon this child, that the divine light  of Almighty Allah directly revealing on this child. The HazoorQiblaAlam immediately replied that yes that this is the divine light of Almighty Allah of Muhammad SAW, as they listen such wordings then both went away. The miracle of him can be guessed from this thing that he connected these lights and apotheosis with Rasool SAW and told them that this place has been achieved through the source of HazoorAilahus Salam and give lesson to faithless that real thing love of Mustafa Kareem SAW and relation of Rasool SAW and complete compliance of shariat otherwise such lights and apotheosis seen by sikkhs, but their sight/ vision is without the love of Mustafa and relation of Mustafa SAW, due to this they have any passage for salvation.


in manners of saints and Faqr Muhammadi he is complete reflection of his saint Hazoor Ghous Zaman Sarkar Wali-e-Salakabad Rehmetullah Aliah, thus it feels that  Hazoor Ghous Zaman  has save each and every merit and characteristics in his chest. He has never called the new of his saint with his tongue and nor remembered Hazoor Ghous Zaman with patronage and nor any miracles dedicated with his personality, but whenever talk about  Hazoor Ghous Zaman and always called in these words:

My Hazoor Ghous Zaman Mehboob-e-Illah Khawaja Khawajgan, our Aaqa, our Data Hazoor Qibla Alam Sarkar-e-Wali Salakabad Sharif.


And when put the sight on the ideas of Data Hazoor Qibla Alam Sarkar-e-Wali Salakabad Sharif Rehmatullah Ailah then all the times from the part of Hazoor then raining of loving and affections upon  our Hazoor Qibla Alam are seen, since the childhood all the attention remain on Hazoor Qibla Alam, whenever Hazoor Qibla Alam went to preaching tour then gladness and happiness reflected from the face of Data Hazoor Qibla Alam Sarkar-e-wali Salakabad Rehmatullah Ailah. Hazoor Ghous Zaman all times make correspondence for his welfare and instruct to keep special care for the followers. Always remember you with the title name of Pir Sani and instruct you take special care for the whole followers, and said to whole followers that Pir Sani is the marvelous gift for whole chain-e-Aliya. At the time of attending the Darbar Sharif, always seated him at right side, after the death of Hazoor Ghous Zaman, the Masnad Sharif of Hazoor Qibla Alam was at the right side, thereafter keeping in view the honour and respect to Hazoor Qibla Alam, has been shifted his Masnad Sharif at left side, therefore at present the Masnad Sharif of Hazoor Qibla is at the left side of the Masnad Sharif of Hazoor Ghous Zaman.

In the age of sixteen (16) Hazoor Qibla Alam has completed all the stages of Salook and  all these trusts and relation to chain Aliya Nakshbandia Mujadidia, Qadaria, Chushtia, Soharwardia, which Hazoor Sarwar Kainat Rehmatul Almeen, Rooh-e-Kainat Hazrat Muhammad Rasoolullah Salallaho Wasalam reached to Data Hazoor Qibla Alam Sarkar-e-Wali Salakabad Sharif Rehmatullah Ailah chest by chest, Hazoor Ghous Zaman transferred all these in the chest of Hazoor Qibla Alam  and benefitted you with the rasooli relation, present in the Darbar-e- Rasooli and  in the rain of kindness and blessing from the Darbar-e-Rasooli you have by awarding the Khurqa Khilafat and Willayat permission has granted for fealty.

Since the childhood rumination condition overcome upon Hazoor Qibla Alam Sani Sarkar Datmat Markatham Al-Qudsia and most of his time passed in loneliness. Sometime go towards the jungle and sometimes reside in cave, remain away from home so many day and engage in striving and meditations today, Zahoor Qibla Alam Sani Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-Qudsia achieved such Hazoori of the Almighty Allah in  divine light which commonly not available to Saints in  seclusion. This can easily be observed in his companionship. This is all fruit of the training of his father Qutabul Auliya Alam Rabbani Khawaja Muhammad Azam Nakshbandi Mujadidi known as Wali-e- Salakabad Sharif Rehmatullah Ailah.


Keeping in view the extreme shortage of water in Darbar Sharif, Hazoor Qibla Alam Khawaja Sani Sarkar Damar Barkataham Al-Qudsia had ordered of boring for the water in the boundary of Jamia Masjid. Machine has brought, boring has started, one mountainous rock came at about 150 feet depth and drilling work has been stopped, Mechanics has said that clay soil is required then Hazoor Qibla Alam said, then what is the guarantee that water will come, they said that we will try but no any guarantee, then Hazoor Qibla Alam said left it, if Almighty Allah will the water then Insha Allah will give it from above. ( Prior to this Hazoor Qibla Alam has constructed ablution room). In the night Hazoor Qibla Alam paid special attention and make prayer at the holy tomb of Data Hazoor Ghous Zaman Mehboob-e-Illahi Wali-e-Salakabad Sharif Rehmatullah Ailah, then before the dawn rock has been blast and water is flowing  and water is flowing from the surface of earth and Insha Allah remain flowing till the day of judgment, after few years Zahoor Qibla Alam ordered for the boring in the north of holy tomb of Data Hazoor Ghous Zaman Mehboob-e-Illahi Wali-e-Salakabad Sharif Rehmatullah Ailah, work took place on tenth of Muharamul Haram. In the evening the Kunda (Iron ring) of Machine entangled inside, and all the people become worried  that if it break inside then whole struggle became useless and tactics has been applied but remain unfruitful. At last request made before the Hazoor Qibla Alam, Hazoor Qibla Alam came and said that Insha Allah today is tenth of Muharamul Haram. Here will be Spring of Hasnian will be flowed. You have slowly shake the rope of iron ring then iron ring came out and immediately water has flowed, which is four feet high from the earth. Insha Allah remain till day of judgment. The example of such water not found in the world that water is flowing in the same condition. Remember it that prior to the digging of spring, Hazoor Qibla Alam has completed the construction of Tank and  also forecasted that water will come from above.


On 5th December 1986 Hazoor Wali-e-Salakabad Sharif Rehmatullah Ailah has designated you his successor and  benefits of trust of the Tariqat of four chains as well as  award of the Trust of benefits of relation of Rasooli, handed over succession of monastery of Ghousul Ummat Baghdara Sharif Darbar-e- Azeemia Rahimia Salakabad Sharif, thereafter Hazoor Qibla Alam Khawaja sani Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-Qudsia had revived the monastery system at the style of hero-worships of saints and engage in the services of humanity and revival of religion and kept the foundation of Jamia Aisha Khadijul Uloom lilbanat for girls in monastery of Ghousul Ummat Baghdara Sharif Darbar-e-Azimia Rahimia Salakabad, from which hundreds of girls had got their education, similarly kept foundation for boys under the name of Jamia Azimia Fiozul Quran (Nazra and Hafz) and also kept the foundation of Jamia Azimia Madinatul Uloom (Dars-e-Nizami lilbaneen), for the human service 3 times meals maintained from Darbar Sharif and kept foundation for Free Medical Complex for the poor and needy persons, from where the free assistance is provided to the patients. By the blessings of almighty Allah, with the favour of Hazoor Qibla Alam Sani Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-Qudsia, scholars and Hafazs  and friends from other communities are engage in human services and development of religion in various places of Pakistan. On the hands of Hazoor Qibla Alam Sani Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-Qudsia a large strength of scholars and Hafazs has been fealty and in your followers includes politicians, Army soldier, from Captain to labourers. You make equal kindness upon every one.  A lot of Salakeen is obtaining benefits from Hazoor Qibla Alam Sani Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-Qudsia and every salak who attend your assembly, remember the commandment of Sultn Baho Rehmatullah Ailah the saint send the competent follower in the Darbar-e-Rasooli SAW in first assembly/meeting.

The teaching of Hazoor Qibla Alam Sani Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-Qudsia is that instead of keeping the eyes on the defects of people, keep eyes on their excellence, the man of each community make reform with love and affection instead of criticism, make personality of the people, himself become penniless but don’t return to any human with empty hand, pay financial assistant to the poor. Almighty Allah gives courage to the Ummat to praise  Hazoor Qibla Alam Sani Sarkar Damat Barkataham Al-Qudsia and gives him long life, health and prosperity.