Hazrat Khawaja Muhammad Azam (R.A)

Your family name is Abu Tariq, you born on 1920 according to 1338 H at Baghdara Sharif (situated at Gandgarmountain) Tehsil and district Haripur Hazara. Ghous ul Ummat BaqiBilla Khawaja Khawajgan Hazrat Khawaja Muhammad Abdul Rahim BaghdaraviRehmatullahAilah is your father.
He was by birth saint. With his birth the Anwar and Tajliat has been began to appear. Hazoor-e-Alla Sarkar Baghdara Sharif RehmatullahAilah was very happy upon your birth. By watching this state of happiness and gladness every man understood that true and real successor has come to give the real dignity to monastery RahimaMujadidia. His aqiqa has been performed is in legalized way, the first word Allah came out from his tongue. You are all the time remain busy in ZakrIllahi (praising of Almighty Allah). Since the childhood Hazoor –e-Alla Sarkar Baghdara Sharif has paid special attention at your training. He avoids to play, jokes and other dirty things. He always tells truth and had hated from lie.
He has received the primary education in Baghdara Sharif from his father, thereafter received education from the schools in the vicinity, in the schools of Bhoi Gar and Jalaliaare included. Religious literature and apparent literature has been completed from the various schools of India. After completion of apparent literature you are diverted towards the privacy literature. Compassion of MarafatIllahi has been developed in your heart and trend of your nature diverted towards the rasooli relatives and then for the fertilization of this plant and for the satisfaction of this willing search for a perfect man has been started. In this matter his sight of selection has stayed competent saint, the trustee of relative of Rasooli, favourite of DarbarRasooli related with Siddiqia. Relative of Shah Nakshband and successor of Mujadidia. Peer Tariqat, Rehbar origin of Shariatof Rushd and guidance SultanulAuliyaMukhdoomulMashiakh Khawaja KhawajganHazratQazi Muhammad Abdul Rahim BaghdaraviRehmatullahAil (who was also father of Hazoor). He explain his fealty in own words that in the night of fifteen ShawbanulMuzzam my saint HazoorBaghdara Sharif RehmatullahAilah called me and order to perform the ablution thereafter perform to two rakatnaffal, after the performance Noafle fealty me and during the fealty I felt that Murshad Karim GhousulUmmatBaqiBilla Sarkar BaghdaraRehmatullahAilah has presented me in the Darbar-e-Rasooli. After the fealty Hazoor-e-Alla has told some words. Hazoor-e-Alla has said, congratulation to you. Birth has kinds, First birth which related with relation and body, which connects the relation of father and son, second birth is secondary which relates with soul, which establish the relation of saint and follower, therefore congratulate you that by the blessings of Almighty Allah you have achieved the both births relative and spiritual from this Faqir, further said that at the time of birth Almighty Allah kept the bodily advantages and disadvantages in the man, but they work on his time, for example child have a hand but they can take work from hand after reaching at certain age, similar example of foot, tongue, mind and other bodily organs, similarly at the time secondary birth saint has kept all spiritual excellences, relations and all trusts of the chain in his follower, such has been appeared within appropriate time.
HazoorWali-e-Salakabad Sharif RehmatullahAilah said that the fact of this secret disclose to me when after the death of heir of Hazoor –e-Alla. Hazrat Khawaja Muhammad Masoom known as Pir Muhammad MiskeenRehmatullahAilah at the occasion of Chelum, the JUBBA Mubarak had been wearied to me then Hazoor-e-AllaWali-e- Baghdara Sharif RehmatullahAilah has appeared in front of me and told me that at the time of fealty which words has been said, now these are completing and such treasure of knowledges/scincence has been kept, that the time has come to disclose it.
Your father HazoorWali-e-Baghdara Sharif RehmatullahAilah had provide you outstanding training, by this virtue you had competency at a same time in apparent and hidden literature /sciences and you had no example in your moral and Taqwa, which can be easily be judge that you never call his father as father, but always called him as HamarayHazoor, Qibla-e-Alam, Hamaray Data, its basic reason is this that you had made Bait-e-Tariqat on the hand of Sarkar BaghdaraRehmatullahAilah, therefore always give priority to spiritual relations upon Nasbi relation, and gave such respect to his Sheikh that by watch this salakeen were sink in amazement.
He perform the duties of successor for a long period of 40 years at the throne of Sarkar BaghdaraRehmatullahAilah, during this course of time thousands of people had repentance on your hands, the spiritual thirst had been extinguished off at your door and by covering the supreme stages of Tariqat deputed at the high stages of Qurb-e-Illahi, his preaching activities were spread throughout Pakistan and perform the duties of Rushd and guidance by making preaching tours of the various cities and towns of Pakistan. After Shab-e- Barat he made preaching tour of Karachi and stayed in Karachi during Holy month of Ramzan and benefitted to the residents of Karachi. HazoorWali-e-Salakabad Sharif RehmataullahAilah stay in Kharadar, Karachi in Mubarak Masjid near AcheeQabr. The colour of your preaching tour so much impressive that your successor SultanulFuqraAlam-e- Rabbani Abu Al-miskeen Khawaja Muhammad Tariq AzamNakshbandiMujadidiknowas HazoorPir-e-Sani Sarkar DamatBarkatahamAlqudsia said that my HazoorWali-e-Salakabad Sharif RehmatullahAilah, in his tour, From where he passed, people of the road would also be affected by him and they accompanied him even when passing through the bazaar of Kharadar then shopkeepers left their shop to the face of HazoorWali-e-Salakabad Sharif RehmatullahAilah and by watching the continuing of the benefits of Faqr-e-Muhammadi start walking behind him, during in his stay, the large strength of religious scholars and saints attend the Mubarak Masjid to get benefitted from HazoorWali-e-Salakabad Sharif RehmatullahAilah.
Your assembly was so solemnized that the Salakins in the state of awakening honoured with Darbar-e-Rasooli, he mostly said that our relation is with Rasooli relation and he dislike this thing that my follower left the Sunnat-e-GhairMokada, His famous wording is this that Faquir have two things then he successful, on sword and other is shield, Tariqat is the sword of Faquir and Shariat is the shield for the faquir.
Someone who fealty on your hand, initially get the places of Salook (behaves) that other chains get after the extremist work, and his only one inner attention was continue the six senses. The great religious leaders and scholars of the time, sitting in front of you consider their happiness.
HazoorQiblaAlamSultanulFaqra Khawaja Sani Sarkar DamatBarkataham Al-Qadsia says that at the occasion of 40th Annual Urs of Hazoor-e-Alla Sarkar Baghdara Sharif RehmatullahAilah, HazoorQiblaAlam Sarkar Wali-e-Salakabad Sharif RehmatullahAilah saying in various assemblies that is the fortieth Urs of my Hazoor and it seems that Chilla has been completed and also said beside this that after a forty years government is seeing to be changed.
HazoorQiblaAlamHazoorMurshad Sani Sarkar DamatBarkataham said that on Thursday the 1stRabius Sani 1407 one day prior to death, in night HazoorQiblaAlam said that what day is today we replied that today is 1stRabius Sani, then he remain silent, when it is morning then has said prior to death that Oh my God, with the source of my Hazoor Sarkar Baghdar Sharif, mercy upon whole the Ummat of Prophet (PBUH)
Thereafter HazoorQiblaAlam has starting to take long breath then bandafaquir asked from the Hazoor that any problem / pain then he said two three times with comfort, that no any pain, no any pain, no any pain. The said wording of his award power to tolerate this great shock, after some time then asked that what day is today, we said that today is Friday, 2ndRabius Sani and 5th December, then he said ok, ok, ok as soon these words come out from the tongue Mubarak, then in the heart and mind of BandaFaquir this thing has knocked that the same words has been said by Hazoor-e-AllaWali-e-Baghdara Sharif RehmatullahAilah at the last time. Banda Faquir was in such thinking that suddenly Sarkar has instantly raised his head towards the sky ( and in secret mode recite the AsmZaat) and took long breath by saying Allah. The brightness of the face gave the message that HazoorQiblaAlam is hiding from this universe, as this situation has happened to HazoorQiblaAlam, when he was sitting. At this point Banda Faquir tried to hold him but it seems that no need to hold you, his body lay down in straight position then first time miracle has seen that reminder from him that complete the Sunnah of HazratYar-e-Ghar then Banda Faquir immediately kissed the forehead and this continue from the tongue.