Hazrat Khawaja Abdul Raheem Baghdarvi


You born on 1876 according to 1296H in house of Hazrat Allama Qadir Buksh known as Hazrat Ajee Sahib Rehmatullah Alle situated at Misyatri. The personality of Hazrat Ajee Sahib Rehmatullah Alle was recognized with the status of monumental religious leader and competent saint . Due the literacy dignity and related with Mughal family was counted in the Superior family.


The father of Hazrat Allama Qadir Baksh Rehmatullah Alle has migrated from Misyatri to Jalalia. Thereafter you have migrated with the purpose of preaching of religion, Service of Hadatth and religious education fromJalalia Hazro to the valley of Baghdara Sharif situation in mountains of Ganger and beside the religious education continue the chain of dutifulness and guidance and in the great atmosphere of knowledge and wisdom, dutifulness and guidance Hazoor Ghous Ul Ummat Khawaja Abdul Rahim Baghdarvi Nakshbandi Rehmatullah alaihi has born.

Education & Training

You have received the primary education from the his kind father Hazrat Khawaja Qadir Baksh known as Hazrat Ajee Sahib Rehmatullah Alaihi, thereafter the education of middle books received from different famous institution of Bhoigar Tehsil Hassan Abdal Jalalia Tehsil Hazro District Attock. Meanwhile, the study of high books was attended by Jeddah religious scholars of various seminaries in India and after completion of Dars Nazami has completed the convulsion of Hadith Sharif.

The search of Mysticism’s Pilot

Since the era of Studentship, you had a great inclination with praise of Almighty Allah and your heart had a lot of joy and desire of revelation of Almighty Allah. After the learning of lessons he instead of spoiling all the times in other engagements spent all the times praising of Almighty Allah and this joy and desire of revelation gradually developed the intensified and he become conscious to get the mercy of Allah, the thirst of praising of Almighty Allah has been enhanced. At last after completion the education to fertile the thirst of praising of Almighty Allah and for the satisfaction of heart and soul went to the tomb of Hazrat Imam Rabbani Mujadid Alf Sani Khawaja Khawajgan Hazrat Sheikh Ahmed Farooqi Sar Hindi Rehmatullah Ailahi and where he has performed tough and great endeavour and lent, due to this tough and hard endeavour his skin become to remove from body. In reward of tough lent, special attention and kindness of Hazoor Imam Rabbani Mujadid Alf Sani Hazrat Khawaja Khawajgan Hazrat Khawaja Ahmed Farooqi Sar Hindi Rehmatullah Ailahi has been achieved and Owasi relation has been developed with Hazrat Imam Rabbani Mujadid Alf Sani Hazrat Khawaja Khawajgan Hazrat Khawaja Ahmed Farooqi Sar Hindi Rehmatullah Ailahi and relation was same as Hazrat Khawaja Khawajgan Hazrat Sheikh Abulhassan Kharqani Rehmatullah Ailahi with Hazrat Sultanul Arfeen Sheikh Bayazeed Bastami Rehmatullah Ailahi and Imam Tariqat Khawaja Khawajdan Hazrat Shah Bahauddin Nakshbani Rehmatullah Ailahi has achieved the Owasi relation with Hazrat Khawaja Khawajgan Khawaja Abdul Khaliq Ghazdawani Rehmatullah Ailahi, where as you had fealty with Hazrat Khawaja Amir Kalal Rehmatullah Ailahi.


He says regarding his fealty that when I have completed the lent of six months at Sar Hind Sharif, then I have been guided and under the same guidance I appeared before the Mohra Sharif Imamul Aulia Qadwatul Salakeen Zabdathul Arfeen Khawaja Khawajgan Hazrat Khawaja Muhammad Qasim Mohrvi Rehmatullah Ailah, then Hazoor Qibla Alam Baba Jee Mohrvi Rehmatullah Ailah welcomed me and embraced and said bv make correction achieved results that such thing which you have to achieved you have achieve, you are not my follower but you are my desire. After such saying Hazoor Sheikhul Mashiek Khawaja Qasim Mohrvi Nakshbandi Mujadidi Rehmatullah Ailah has (fealty) biyat him and at the same he has handed over amanats of chain of Aliya Nakshbandia Mujadidia and grant permission of Khalafat and also said that my head has raised by your calling.


(1) He was the complete reflection of Faqr Muhammadi in real meanings. Was bond of legality /Shariat, dislike the thing against the Sharia, All mushaiks were acknowledged his Willayat and status. Once he along with his saint Khawaja Khawajgan Hazrat Khawaja Muhammad Qasim Mohrvi Rehmatullah Ailah appeared before Hazrat Khawaja Khawajgan Khawaja Nizamuddin Wali-e-Kiyan then Hazoor Mehboob-e-Illahi Khawaja Nizamuddin Rehmatullah Ailah by watch you said that Qazi Sahib is the follower of Khawaja Qasim but his flight and place is too high and he is the king of Saints.

(2) Hazrat Khawaja Khawajgan Pir Syed Mehar Ali Shah Golravi Rehmatullah Ailah says, In fact, the Baghdara wall practically practice on Shariat and also make practicable. The condition of his poverty that Hazrat Pir Mehar Ali Shah Sahib Golri says that I anyone want to see the real beggar (Faqir) then he see the Baghdara walay.


The holly wording of yours that such person who directly or indirectly becomes my follower and he got my real relation then he will get three things

(1) That he will not influenced with any personality and where he will go, people will be influenced

(2) that before the death his heart will certainly continue

(3) that after death he will receive the benefit as similar to in his life.

Migration from Baghdara Sharif and Coming to Salakabad and Death and Tomb.

The chain of his benefit was continue in great monastery of Baghdara Sharif, however Baghdara Shaif is situated in difficult mountainous region, the seekers of righteous have to face most difficult passages to reach there, due to this reason the Sheikh Qutabul Auliya Khawaja Qasim Mohrvi Rehmatullah Ailah has ordered for migration and he have migrated from Baghdara Sharif in 1935 and settled Pir Mandiryala near Hassan Abdal and he has suggest the name of this valley as Salakabad and he has constructed one mosque there which is called as Khanqahi Masjid and beside this one monastery has been developed.


He is preaching the teaching of Chaing of Aliaya Naskshbandi Mujadidia for about 40years and thousand seekers of righteous achieved the Rasooli relation. The large strength of competent religious scholars, Muftian-e- Shara and Sheikhul Hadith comprised those had fealty on his hands, a large strength of your followers were existed in India and Pakistan and the large strength of your trained followers were comprised on Ahale Allah.


Hazoor Qibla Alam Murshad Karim Hazrat Murshad-e- Sani Sarkar Madzilla Alla says that Imam Masjid of Kalu Pind Haji Maulana Ghulam Haider Ustad Sahib (Late) was explained that I have been called by Hazoor Alla Ghousul Ummat Baqi Billah Khawaja Abdul Rahim BaghDarvi and said that after some days I have be called by the Almighty Allah and you have to arrange the Langer (meals) for my side for my guests, Therefore before so and so day arrangement should be made for wood, although at that I was maintaining my woods business and this thing was in my knowledge that so and so person of Gonga Pind have enough jungle and I have made contact with him and describe whole the situation and in this way I came to Darbar Sharif along with Khan Sahib and have a meeting with Hazoor –e-Alla Ghousul Ummat Baqi Billah Khawaja Abdul Rahim Baghdarvi, the purpose of this meeting was that he ready and aware to provide this service, but when he meet with Hazoor-e-Alla Ghousul Ummat Khawaja Abdul Rahim Baghdarvi Rehmatullah Ailah then become out side and told me that Babajee sitting in a good position and you are making pleas to collect the wood, I told him alright if you are not supply the wood it is your will, I along will make arrangement with the blessing of Allah, but when he watched my solid determination then he joined me and one important thing came in front that such day which you have told that on such day woods should be reached means till Sunday Monday and on the same day of Sunday and the night of Monday Hazoor-e-Alla Ghousul Ummat Baqi Billah Khawaja Abdul Rahim Baghdarvi Rehmatullah Ailah has died.