Monastery of Ghous Ul Ummat Baghdara Shairf Darbar Azeemia Rahimia Salakabad Sharifis situated at famous historical city Attock adjacent to Hassan Abdal. Its accounts the greatest spiritual training monastery of Alla-e-Sunnat, where human being fertile with religious literature with mysticism and secrets of internal portion (heart). The teaching foundation of this monastery is comprises of the perusing of Sharia, revival of Sunnah, commemoration and settlement, development of religion and service of the human beings. Moreover this monastery is always conveying the message of affection, unity of nation and abstinence. This monastery is a great branch of Nakshbandia Mujadida and in fact it a combination manners of all four chains of Nakshbandia, Qadaria, Chushtiya and Sohervardia. Moreover the generosity has been found upon the domination of patriarchs of this chain.

The founder of this monastery is Ghous Ul Ummat Baqi Billah Sheikhul Mashikh, Serects of evidevt and hidden Khawaja Abdul Rahim Baghdarvi Nakshbandi Rehmatul Alla (died on 1336H). Spiritual Guide Sultanul Arfeen Khawaja You have migrated to Baghdara Shairf in 1935H near to the Hassan Abdal Pir Mandaryala with the order of Muhammad Qasim Nakshbani Mujadidi , owner of Mohra Sharif and kept the foundation of Monastery in unpopulated place. Ghous Ul Ummat Baqi Billah Sheikhul Mashikh, Serects of evidevt and hidden Khawaja Abdul Rahim Baghdarvi Nakshbandi has suggested the name of this place as Salakabad Sharif and adjacent to his house on monastery mosque has constructed, where the chain of training of seekers of manner and guidance has been started.

After the death of Ghous Ul Ummat Baqi Billah Sheikhul Mashikh, Serects of evident and hidden Khawaja Abdul Rahim Baghdarvi Nakshbandi Rehmatul Alle, he Khawaja Muhammad Masoom alias Maskeen Sahib Rehmatullah Alle becomes the descendant. Divine meditation was influenced upon you, mostly remain in the condition of engrossment/immersion and like live along. You has died very shortyly. After your death Qutabul Aulia Mujadid Tariqat Alam Rabani Khawaja Muhammad Azam Nakshbandi Mujadidi alias inhabitant Salakabad Sharif Rehmatuallh Alle (died on 1407H) become the descendant of the throne. The sent the benefits of this monastery to the all four provinces of Pakistan, make preaching tours abroad and forty years serving the duty of in relation of Chain of Aliya Nakshbandia and revival of religion and Sunnah from this Thorne. After your death in 1986 Sultanul Faqra Syedul Wasleen Alam Rabani Khawaja Muhammad Tariq Azam Nakshbandi Mujadidi known as Peer Sani Sarkar Ummat Barkataham Al-qudsia has become the descendant and in his era monastery has achieved the historical development and the relation of this chain Alayia become common and the construction activities of the monastery has been started.