Jamia Aisha Khudaja-tul-Uloom-Lil-Binnat-til-Azmia

In view of the increasing the illiteracy rate among girls, Hazoor Qibla Alam, Murshad Karim erected a foundation stone of a great religious organization for girls in 200, at  the western side of the tomb of Hazoor Gaos-e-Zaman Sarkar Wali Salik Abad Sharif® and northern side of Darbar Sharif. Where Dars-e-Nizami is being taught to girls according to the currliculum of Tanzeem-ul-Madaras. All the students of Jamia Aisha Khudaja-ul-Uloom-lil-Binnat-til-Azmia avail all those facilities which are given to the students of Jamia Azmia fayuz-ul-Quraan, which I have already explained thoroughly in the chapter of said Jamia. In this Jamia, there are educating more than hundreds girls and a lot number of students complete their course every year.